How to Accept a Job Offer in 2024 [Free Email Template]

22 May
10 min read
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You’re close to sealing the deal on a new job.

You just received a job offer, and you’re super excited that you actually got the job, so you just want to accept it and get started.

One second – take a step back.

Like with every other part of the job hunt, there’s a right and a wrong way to accept a job offer. And believe us – you want to do this part right.

You want to make a good impression when you start your new job, and how you accept your job offer is part of that.

In this article, we’re going to cover:

  • What to Do When You Receive a Job Offer
  • The Different Ways to Accept a Job Offer
  • 3 Job Offer Acceptance Examples

…and more!

Let’s dive in.

How to Accept a Job Offer

There’s a whole process to accepting a job offer, and we’ve broken it down into easy-to-follow steps. Let’s take it from the top:

#1. Respond Politely

You’ll probably get a call from the hiring manager, in which case you might be tempted to say "yes!" on the spot.

But don’t be too hasty.

Look, if you’ve thought about this job a lot, you know it’s your dream job, and you’ve been looking forward to this call all week - go ahead. You know what’s best for you, and there’s no need to keep the hiring manager waiting.

That being said, starting a new job is a huge decision, and you shouldn’t accept it just so you don’t lose your spot at the company. You want to be 100% sure that you’re making the right choice.

So, when the hiring manager calls you, thank them for the opportunity and ask them to give you time to think the offer through.

Most employers will grant you one or two days to decide, so if you let them know you’re still interested but need some time to think about the terms, they probably won’t mind. Just make sure you don’t take longer than promised, as that would be unprofessional.

Getting started on yourjob hunt? Check out our full guide to help you land that dream job.

#2. Evaluate the Job Offer

A job offer might seem very lucrative at a glance, but that doesn’t mean you should just accept it without a second thought.

One thing to consider is whether the official offer aligns with your expectations. Are the benefits, training hours, or salary that you discussed during the job interview the same as what you’re being offered now?

For example, you might have discussed the option towork from homeduring the interview, but now the job offer states that you have to be physically present at the office three days a week.

If you don’t review the job offer in detail, you might miss that and end up at a job with a commute you hate. It’s definitely something you’d want to bring up with the hiring manager if you’re set onworking remotely.

This is why you should always ask for the offer in writing. If the employer makes the official offer over the phone, just ask them to also send it in written form.

This way, you can carefully review all the terms and conditions and, if necessary, negotiate anything while referencing the job offer.

#3. Negotiate Salary and Benefits

The initial offer is often just a starting point, so be ready to negotiate.

There is nothing wrong with negotiating some of the terms of your employment, as long as you keep your negotiation points realistic. Chances are, the company isn’t willing to pay you twice as much as what they initially offered, but 10 percent to 20 percent more might be OK.

For example, if you want the job because you’re astay-at-home parentand you need flexibility, you can negotiate how often you can work remotely.

Negotiating your salarycan also help demonstrate your value and show the employer that you're serious about the job. You should always make sure that the position aligns with your financial needs as well as your long-termcareer goals.

But if you’re satisfied with the salary and you’re more concerned with other benefits, you can talk about aspects like vacation time, retirement contributions, and healthcare coverage.

Whatever your priority is, always research ahead of time. Learn what the salary rate for your profession is and know your worth. This way, you can be professional and polite, as well as up strike up a good deal with the company.

Looking for a flexible job? Check out our list of thebest jobs for stay-at-home parentsto get started!

#4. Ask Questions Before Starting

Regardless of whether you negotiate, it's important to ask questions to make sure that the company and the role are the right fit for you.

Don't make any assumptions - this is your chance to clarify everything and set your expectations for your new job.

Asking thoughtful questions lets you get a better understanding of the company culture, your responsibilities, and what the employer can do for you. This part is crucial for making an informed decision and avoiding any unpleasant surprises down the line.

Somekey questions you could askinclude:

  • Are there any bonuses or variable compensations?
  • How much paid time off do I have, and do unused days carry over?
  • What exactly does the benefits package include, and how can I use it?
  • What are my opportunities forcareer growthwith your company?
  • Do you offer any professional development programs?
  • What are the exact working hours?
  • What documents do you need me to bring on my first day?

Interested incareer development? Learn all about it and start your journey with our dedicated article.

#5. Confirm Your Start Date

Once you feel good about the terms of your employment, it's time to confirm your official start date with the hiring manager.

This bit can prevent any misunderstandings or delays when you’re just getting started. Just be upfront if you need any flexibility on the start date.

For example, if you have a family holiday planned soon or your current employer wants more than atwo-week notice period, tell the hiring manager.

Agreeing on a clear start date that works for both of you can show you’re professional and committed to the new job, and it gives you time to properly wrap up any loose ends at your current job before moving on to the next chapter of your career.

#6. Resign Your Current Job

If you’re unemployed, you can easily skip this step and move forward with your new job.

But if you're currently employed, the final step when accepting a new job offer is toquit the jobyou already have. This is an important step that you'll want to handle carefully, no matter how excited you are to move on.

This should be done as professionally as possible. Take the time towrite a formal letter of resignationthat expresses your gratitude for the opportunity to work there and leaves you on good terms with your past employer.

Don’t burn any bridges - you never know when you’ll run into a professional contact from your past. Stay positive, and cooperative, and offer to help transfer your work over to a coworker. This can show integrity and leave a great last impression.

#7. Prepare for Your New Job

Congratulations, you've accepted the job offer! Now it's time to look ahead to your first day.

Reach out to your new hiring manager to confirm any paperwork or other items you should bring on your start date. For example, if you’ll be working mostly from home, you might have to bring in your own laptop so they can set you up with company software.

Beyond that, just get ready for the onboarding process and the new adventure ahead of you. Take some time to review the job description again and think about how you can hit the ground running.

With a bit of extra preparation, you'll be set up for success in no time!

3 Ways to Accept a Job Offer

Now that you’ve covered all the prep work that goes into accepting a job offer, it’s time to officially say “I do!” to that new role.

There are three ways to do this:

#1. Through a Phone Call

If the hiring manager calls to extend a job offer, you always have the option to accept it right then and there over the phone, as long as you’ve thought it through carefully.

This shows your enthusiasm, and it lets you get the process moving quickly.

Alternatively, if you take some time to review the job offer in detail first, you can call the hiring manager back during regular business hours to officially accept.

Make sure to keep that conversation polite and professional. Thank them for the opportunity, graciously accept their offer, and confirm when your first day is going to be.

And remember – even if youverballyaccept the offer, make sure to request that all the details be sent to you in writing first. This gives you the chance to review the terms carefully, and it starts a paper trail that can help everyone avoid misunderstandings.

Then, regardless if you accept immediately or take your time, be sure to follow up with a formal letter of acceptance or an email.

#2. Through an Email

While you can always accept a job offer over the phone, it's actually much better to do it in writing.

For starters, it’s only polite to accept a job offer in written form - especially since you'll be asking the employer to do the same thing for you. Additionally, as we already mentioned, it's always vital to formalize all your verbal agreements in writing to avoid any future misunderstandings.

For example, if you agreed to start on the 30th but the hiring manager heard you say the 13th, that could be a huge problem. You don’t want to start your new job off on the wrong foot!

So, that’s where a job offer acceptance email comes in.

Make sure you structure your text well and proofread it several times before you send it.

If you’ve communicated with the hiring manager via their official email address, you can safely use that email to formally accept their job offer.

How to Write a Job Offer Acceptance Email

  • Write a concise subject line. Your email’s subject line has to be professional and let the employer know exactly what the email is about. (E.g.:Job offer acceptance email - John Doe)
  • Express gratitude. Start the email by thanking the employer for the opportunity. (E.g.:Thank you for trusting me with theproject managerposition in Company X)
  • Accept the job offer. Be enthusiastic and polite when formally accepting their offer. (E.g.:I am delighted to officially accept the position of Head of Content at Bookster and be part of your team.)
  • State and agree to the employment terms. If you’ve read and agreed to the employment terms, you mention so in your email. (E.g.:Let me take this opportunity to formally agree with all the employment terms stated in the official job offer.) However, if you’ve negotiated something else and you don’t have that down in writing, now’s the time to officialize it. (E.g.:As discussed, my starting salary is $XXXX, with six months of remote work annually as part of the offer.)
  • Confirm the starting date. Avoid any possible misunderstandings by clearly confirming your starting date. (E.g.:To reconfirm, my starting date is next Monday, April 4th.)
  • Conclude positively. Similar toending a cover letter, choose an appropriate closing line and end on a positive note. (E.g.:Looking forward to working alongside you!)

#3. Through a Letter

There are some cases where employers will expect a formal letter of acceptance instead of an email.

These are rare and usually apply to fields or companies that are more traditional and less tech-savvy.

So, if the employer sent you the job offer via letter instead of email, you should be prepared to write a job offer acceptance letter.

Just like a job offer acceptance email, your letter should be well-structured, error-free, and formal.

In addition to the above, you should also pay attention to the formatting. We recommend typing the letter out, as opposed to writing it by hand, to make sure it’s easily readable.

How to Write a Job Offer Acceptance Letter

  • Thank the employer. Start off the acceptance letter by thanking the employer for the offer. We recommend mentioning the position and the company’s name in the same sentence. (E.g.:Thank you for formally offering me thepersonal bankerposition at Company Y.)
  • Accept the job offer. Afterward, you can officially accept the job offer and, optionally, mention that you’re looking forward to getting started. (E.g.:I am delighted to officially accept your job offer and become part of the team.)
  • Clarify any remaining points in the offer. If you’ve already received all the details about the agreed salary, benefits, and such in written form, you can use your acceptance letter to officially agree with the terms. If you first received an offer and then negotiated some of the terms verbally, you can use the acceptance letter to document them in writing. (E.g.:As we agreed, my starting salary is $XXXX with 25 annual vacation days as part of the offer.)
  • Specify your starting date. To avoid any misunderstandings, re-confirm your start date in the acceptance letter. Keep in mind that if you’re changing jobs and you’re required to serve out a notice period, it’s better to inform your future employer in advance instead of mentioning it in the letter. (E.g.:I am confirming my start date will be on May 20.)
  • End on a positive note. Mention your enthusiasm for the job as you wrap up your letter. Then, choose an appropriate closing line and sign your name underneath. (E.g.:I am looking forward to starting my new role. Best regards, John Doe)

3 Job Offer Acceptance Examples

Need some inspiration on what a good job offer acceptance looks like? Check out the examples below:

#1. Job Offer Acceptance Call Example

“Hi, it’s Alex Smith. Is this a good time?

I hope you’re doing well. I’m calling about theweb developerposition you extended the other day.

I wanted to formally accept and thank you for the opportunity—I'm really excited to get started and join your team!

Could you let me know what the next steps are? I'm keen to get everything sorted before my first day.

Thanks again, and I’ll see you soon!”

#2. Job Offer Acceptance Email Example

Dear Jacklyn Smith,

Thank you for formally offering me theEditor positionat Bookster. I am delighted to officially accept the job offer.

As we agreed over the phone, my starting salary will be $50,000/annually with one month of paid vacation. I understand that I will be paying my health insurance plan from my salary.

I am confirming that my starting date will be in two weeks, on Monday, May 23rd. If anything else is required of me during this period or on the first day of work, please let me know.

I’m looking forward to becoming part of the team!

Best Regards,

Mike Scott

#3. Job Offer Acceptance Letter Example

Dear Mr. Jones,

Thank you for offering me theDevOps Engineerposition at Innovatech. I am thrilled to formally accept the job offer.

As discussed over the phone, my starting salary will be $65,000 annually, with 25 days of paid vacation and a hybrid work week, with two days at the office and three days working from home.

I am confirming that my start date will be in three weeks, on Tuesday, June 5th.

I look forward to starting my new role at your company.

Best regards,

Sarah Butler

Key Takeaways

And that’s a wrap on how to accept a job offer!

We’re sure you’re ready to conquer that new job in no time.

Before you go, here are the main points to take away from this article:

  • Before you accept a job offer, make sure you carefully evaluate its terms and conditions.
  • The best ways to evaluate a job offer are by asking for some time to think it through, getting the job offer in written form, and preparing to negotiate with the employer.
  • You should always officially accept a job offer via a formal letter or email. That’s because documenting verbal agreements in written form helps avoid any misunderstandings.
  • Write a job offer acceptance letter if that’s how you’ve communicated with the employer so far or if the company is in a less tech-savvy industry.
  • Make sure you write a clear and concise subject line for your acceptance email so that the employer knows what it’s about without having to open it.
  • Whether you write a formal acceptance letter or an email, it has to be flawless, so make sure you proofread it before sending it in.