What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment? [3 Proven Answers]

14 June
24 min read
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One of the most common yet challenging job interview questions is, “What is your greatest accomplishment?”

You may hear that question and forget everything you’ve ever achieved.

After all, how can you pick out your greatest accomplishment? Does it have to be in a professional setting, or can something in your personal life count too? How can you make yourself sound cool without bragging?

Take a deep breath - there’s no need to panic.

While this question is tricky, we’ve created a detailed guide you can follow.

In this article, we’re going to cover:

  • Why Do Interviewers Ask This Interview Question?
  • How to Answer “What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment?”
  • 21 Sample Answers for Different Professions and Levels of Experience

…and more!


Let’s get started.

Why Do Interviewers Ask “What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment?”

Let’s start with the basics: What’s the point of this job interview question?

Well, depending on your answer, the hiring manager can learn a lot about you as a candidate.

In fact, this is one of the questions that can distinguish an okay candidate from someonethey definitely want to hire.

Here’s what this specific question can tell the hiring manager:

  • Whether you’re down to earth.Your achievements might be modest or super impressive, but what the interviewer is more interested in is how you present them. If you brag on endlessly about your accomplishments, you might not be the most pleasant person to work with.
  • Your concept of success.The way you think about success and how you associate it with your job and career are important. For example, if you’re applying for a job as an accountant and yourmost impressive achievementis baking the best cake ever for your office party, you’re probably not making the cut.
  • Whether you’re success-oriented.The interviewer wants to know if you’ve ever gone above and beyond in your work. If your greatest accomplishment is that you were always on time and left work on the dot at the end of your shift, you’re likely not that success-oriented. After all, that’s not an achievement - it’s a minimum job requirement.

Companies are looking for employees who can make a difference, so you need to show the interviewer that you have what it takes if you want to ace your interview.

How to Never Answer “What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment?”

Before we dive into how to answer this interview question, let’s talk about what you should never mention in your answer.

Some no-go topics include:

  • Bragging about how you have too many accomplishments to choose from.
  • Embellishing what you did to make yourself look cooler.
  • Talking about how your biggest accomplishment is related to a salary or a bonus.
  • Mentioning how you broke the rules at your previous job.

Check out a comprehensive list of things you shouldn’t do during your job interview in ourbiggest interview mistakesarticle.

How to Answer “What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment?” During an Interview

“What’s your greatest accomplishment?” is a popularbehavioral job interview question.

Behavioral interview questions are what the interviewer asks when they want to understand your past performance and how you handle specific situations, like, for example, working under pressure.

Let’s look at how you should prepare to answer this question step by step:

#1. Research the Company

Start by doing someresearch on the companyyou’re applying for.

Make notes on what the employer is like, such as what their industry is and what the work environment is like. Check their website, social media presence, and reviews from employees on websites like Glassdoor.

Don’t expect to find detailed information on every employer, though. For example, some companies are smaller, and there’s less information about them online.

If you can’t find information on the company, stick to general information about the industry and whatever you can get from the job ad. So, if the job ad says they need a team player, try to think of an accomplishment where you collaborated with others successfully.

#2. Keep It Professional

You probably have several accomplishments or personal wins that you think are noteworthy.

Maybe you negotiated a better price for your car, or you managed to reduce costs at your previous company by taking a risk. Both achievements are impressive, but the professional accomplishment is a better answer for your job interview.

So, to pick your greatest accomplishment, focus on your professional achievements. For example, you can expand on something you’ve mentionedin your resume.

You should only consider talking about great personal accomplishments if they directly relate to the role you’re applying for. In this case, we mean things like personal projects, not things that are closely related to your personal life.

Here’s an example:

Personal Accomplishment:
  • “I’d say my biggest accomplishment was when I organized a community fundraiser to renovate our local library. I coordinated a team, promoted the event, and secured donations. The fundraiser was a success, and we made over $15,000, which went towards new books, updated technology, and improved facilities. I’d say the whole experience was a great way to test my organizational skills while leveraging community support, and I’m proud that we made a positive impact on our neighborhood.”

#3. Tailor It to the Job

You don’t want to use the same accomplishment as an answer to any job you apply to.

When preparing your answer in advance, use the job description as a reference. For example, if you’re applying for a job as afinancial analyst, you’ll want to give a different accomplishment than if you’re applying for a job as a baker.

Look at the job requirements and try to pick outthe keywords.

You want your answer to match what the job is looking for in their ideal candidate.

So, if you’re applying to be an elementary school special needs teacher, one of yourmost important skillsis going to be your patience. Let’s look at a sample answer that conveys this as part of the accomplishment:

Elementary Teacher Sample Answer:
  • “In my previous role as a special needs teacher, I helped a student with a speech impediment improve his communication and social skills. I created a supportive and structured environment for him by using a visual schedule, assistive technology, social stories, and a reward system. Over the school year, his engagement increased, he was a lot less frustrated, and his grades improved. This experience helped me understand how important individualized instruction can be and how being patient allowed me to help both the student and the entire classroom atmosphere.”

#4. Pick a Recent Accomplishment

If you have a great story about how your actions made a huge difference at your previous job, the interviewer will like it…but if it’s something recent, they’ll love it.

As a rule of thumb, your most recent experience is what counts the most. Even if you were a superstar at a job you had ten years ago, it won’t matter as much as what you achieved in the last two or three years.

So, when choosing an accomplishment to talk about, go with something more recent.

The exception to this rule is if you’re going for acareer changeand your old accomplishments are relevant to the field you’re aiming for.

In that case, we recommend you prepare two accomplishments - an old accomplishment that’s more closely related to the job you’re targeting and a new accomplishment that’s from your most recentwork experience.

#5. Use the STAR Method

Finally, to answer just about any behavioral job interview question, we recommend usingthe STAR method.

The main idea behind the STAR method is that every answer should cover the following topics:

  • (S)ituation. Describe the situation and the context in which the event took place.
  • (T)ask. Talk about the tasks you had to complete, like the challenge or responsibility.
  • (A)ction. Explain the actions you took to address those challenges or responsibilities.
  • (R)esults. Describe the results you achieved. If possible, quantify your achievement using numbers and concrete data. (E.g.: “I improved cold lead response time by 20%” sounds better than “I improved sales.”)

Now, let’s look at a well-written answer to the question,“What is a professional achievement you’re most proud of?”using the STAR method.

STAR Sample Answer

Situation:“Well, my last role was as a manager at a seasonal restaurant in Nantucket. Out of the four months I spent there, three of them were total nightmares. The restaurant was completely packed over 90% of the time, and we barely had any breathing room.”

Task:“We had to be very efficient at work to make sure that we wouldn’t get overwhelmed.”

Action:“The most important part of making it work was being proactive. If we had just rolled with the punches and focused on putting out fires, the whole thing would’ve turned into a mess really fast. At the beginning of the summer, I created a very strict shift schedule, which we adhered to 100%. I also started a reward system - if someone called in sick, you’d get rewarded if you filled in for them. In case no one was available, I personally filled in for them.”

Results:“Overall, the summer went pretty well with minimal incidents. I’d say 99% of the customers were happy, and we didn’t receive a single bad review once we put everything in place.“

That sounds good, right?

Let’s look at what this sample answer does right:

  • It’s honest and doesn’t try to make the candidate sound like they’ve never struggled.
  • It uses numbers and data to describe the context and show relevance.
  • It shows how the candidate thinks and uses their relevant skills.

Need to get ready for your job interview? Check out our article on35+ Common Interview Questions and Answersto get started.

“What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment?” Sample Answers

Looking for inspiration on how to talk about your greatest accomplishment? You’re in the right place.

Here’s a list of over 21 sample answers for different professions and levels of experience.

#1. High School Sample Answer

Situation:"During my junior year of high school, I noticed that our school’s garden club was struggling to maintain interest and participation. The garden was an important part of our school's community because it actually provides fresh produce for our cafeteria, and it’s a place for students to learn about sustainability first-hand."

Task:"So, when I was elected president of the garden club, my job was to revitalize it, increase membership, and make sure that the garden was well-maintained and productive."

Action:"I organized weekly meetings, started a social media page to promote our activities, and collaborated with local businesses to secure donations for gardening supplies. I also initiated educational workshops on sustainable gardening practices and combined forces with science teachers for hands-on projects."

Results:"By the end of the year, club membership had tripled, and we harvested over 200 pounds of produce for the cafeteria. The garden became a vibrant, well-loved part of the school. The effort we put into the garden was even recognized by the local newspaper, and we received a grant from the mayor to expand our gardening projects. I’d say the experience taught me a lot about leadership, teamwork, and the impact of community engagement, so I’m proud of being part of that."

Read a fullhigh school resumeexample here.

#2. College Sample Answer

Situation:"During my sophomore year at ABC University, I enrolled in a particularly challenging computer science course. It had a reputation for being one of the toughest in the department and a lot of students struggled to pass, and I was determined to ace it."

Task:"So, I had to master the course material, complete some complex programming assignments, and prepare for the notoriously difficult exams, all while balancing my other coursework and a part-time job."

Action:"I dedicated extra hours to studying and formed a study group with classmates. I also used online resources and practiced coding problems daily to try and strengthen my understanding of the material. I created a detailed weekly schedule to manage my time effectively, so that allowed me to stay on top of all my responsibilities."

Results:"By the end of the semester, I passed the course with flying colors. I earned an A, which put me in the top 5% of the class. Finishing a difficult course like that really boosted my confidence and solidified my passion for computer science. Not to mention, it earned me a summer internship with a leading tech company."

Read a fullcollege freshman resumeexample here.

#3. Recent Graduate Sample Answer

Situation:“Well, as a recent graduate of XYZ University, I think my greatest achievement was what I managed to accomplish during my time there. My scholarship only covered half of the tuition, and my family was unable to support me financially. I also wanted to gain some work experience during my time there so that I could start working directly after graduating.”

Task:“So, I learned early on that I had to manage my time down to the hour in order to be efficient and on top of everything.”

Action:“Through hard work and dedication, I managed to balance studying, working part-time, and even volunteering to gain some experience. It was tiring at times, but I scheduled pretty much everything I had to do on my personal calendar. I needed to know my list of tasks, when each was due, and how long they would take. This way, I never missed a deadline, assignment, or any other responsibility.”

Results:“In the end, I graduated with a GPA of 3.8, almost no student loans, and also interned as the university social media assistant during my last 2 semesters. There, I also learned a lot about marketing, how to communicate with our followers, and managed to organize the biggest university event where up to 300 students showed up.”

Read a fullrecent graduate resumeexample here.

#4. Retail and Sales Sample Answer

Situation:"At my previous job, I was a sales associate at a large electronics store, and I noticed that our store's performance was lagging during the holiday season. That’s a pretty crucial time for our annual sales targets, so it was a big problem."

Task:"My goal was to help increase holiday sales, improve customer satisfaction, and make sure that we met our monthly sales goals during this peak around the holidays."

Action:"I started a series of in-store promotions and demonstrations to highlight popular products and educate customers on their features. I also worked closely with my team to optimize the store layout for better traffic flow and product visibility. I provided exceptional customer service by actively listening to customers' needs, making personalized recommendations, and following up with them to make sure they were satisfied. I also suggested we introduce a referral program to incentivize customers to bring in new shoppers."

Results:"As a result of all these efforts, our store saw a 25% increase in sales compared to the previous holiday season. Customer feedback was also overwhelmingly positive, and our satisfaction ratings improved by 20%. We met our sales targets, and I also received an ‘Employee of the Month’ reward, which I’m really proud of."

Read a fullsales associate resumeexample here.

#5. Customer Service Sample Answer

Situation:“My biggest achievement was during my internship as a customer support representative at Company X. I was the first customer support intern there, so I didn’t have a lot to go off of and had to learn a lot by myself. A lot of it was fast-paced too, and at first, I wasn’t even sure if I was doing things right.”

Task:“I felt out of place, and I had to think fast if I wanted to move up in the company. I wanted to improve, and a lot of the other employees were often too busy to help me out. So, I didn’t really have a lot of instructions.”

Action:“I decided to start learning as much as I could about our product, a social media automation tool, by talking with the other employees when I could and reading up on everything I could get my hands on that was related to the product. After a while, I started noticing a trend with the questions I was getting from our customers. First, I decided to create a document of the Frequently Asked Questions I was getting for personal use. This saved me a lot of time, and eventually, the document was repurposed into its own web page. Over the following year, I got promoted to the Customer Support Team Lead and helped with scaling up the overall customer service efforts. So I consulted with hiring, trained new reps, helped them communicate issues and questions with the product, and so on.

Results:“In the end, we managed to decrease the average monthly ticket count by around 25%.”

Read a fullcustomer service resumeexample here.

#6. Hospitality Sample Answer

Situation:"At my previous job as a receptionist at a busy hotel, we had a problem with overbooking during a major local event. So, more guests arrived than we had rooms to spare."

Task:"I had to resolve the overbooking issue, make sure that all guests had a place to stay, and make sure everyone was satisfied despite the circumstances."

Action:"I started by calmly communicating with the affected guests, apologizing for the inconvenience, and explaining the situation. I contacted some nearby hotels to secure alternative accommodations for the guests we couldn't house, and I made sure they were comparable to the rooms they’d booked with us. I also arranged for complimentary transportation to the new hotels and arranged compensation, such as vouchers for future stays or discounts. There were a few guests who preferred to stay, so I coordinated with housekeeping to speed up turnovers and offered the guests refreshments in the lobby while they waited."

Results:"In the end, all guests were accommodated, and a lot of them expressed gratitude for how we handled the situation. Our customer satisfaction scores didn’t suffer, and several guests even left positive reviews about the excellent service they received during a potentially stressful experience."

Read a fullreceptionist resumeexample here.

#7. Food and Beverage Sample Answer

Situation:"I was a server at a popular restaurant, and one night was particularly challenging. The restaurant was overbooked, but the kitchen's main grill unexpectedly stopped working. So, several popular dishes weren’t unavailable, or they’d be significantly delayed at the very least."

Task:"I had to manage the situation smoothly while serving my guests, keep everyone informed and satisfied, and keep an eye out for whenever the grill is back to work."

Action:"I explained everything to the guests and offered dishes that could be prepared quickly instead of the steaks and burgers some had ordered. To compensate for the inconvenience, I also offered complimentary appetizers and drinks to the affected guests. We coordinated closely with the kitchen staff to prioritize certain orders and make sure that the available dishes were prepared as fast as possible. I maintained a positive attitude throughout the evening, and I’d say everything worked out."

Results:"We managed to keep the guests happy, and a lot of them appreciated the proactive communication and complimentary items we offered while the grill was out. We received a few positive reviews, and I think the experience taught me how to maintain excellent customer service even under pressure."

Read a fullserver resumeexample here.

#8. Marketing and Advertising Sample Answer

Situation:"A couple of years ago, a good friend of mine opened a bar. Despite having a great atmosphere and excellent drinks, they were struggling to attract customers. They asked if I could help them with their digital marketing since they knew I had some experience in that area."

Task:"I wanted to increase the bar's visibility and draw in more patrons, particularly during the weekends when the competition was fierce."

Action:"I started by revamping their social media presence. I created engaging content that showcased the bar's unique vibe, featured their special drinks, and highlighted events like live music nights. I also ran targeted ads on social media to reach people in the local area who were interested in nightlife and new venues. To keep the momentum going, I initiated a weekly promotion campaign where followers could win free drinks or discounts by sharing our posts and tagging friends."

Results:"In just a few months, the bar's social media following grew by 300%, and we saw a significant increase in foot traffic, especially on the weekends. The bar became known for its lively atmosphere and special events, and my friend even had to hire more staff to keep up with the growing number of customers. This experience was incredibly rewarding because it showed me the direct impact of effective digital marketing, and it felt great to help a friend succeed."

Read a fulldigital marketing resumehere.

#9. Administrative and HR Sample Answer

Situation:“I think my greatest accomplishment was during my last job as an HR administrator. The hiring department had difficulty locating specific files and managing documents, especially during busy periods, and this ate up too much time.”

Task:“So, I thought there was room for improvement with employee file management. I wanted to increase productivity and efficiency, and in the end, save time spent looking for documents.”

Action:“I decided to take the initiative and implement a new team HR document management software. One that could also centralize file management within the department, streamline onboarding, and also help with other small tasks (like bulk document importing, automated backfile conversions, and so on).”

Results:“In the end, our timesheets indicated that the time spent looking for files and documents had been reduced by 5-10 hours. There was no more lag time between sharing documents with HR, payroll, and supervisors. Each team or individual could instantly access the files they needed in one HR filing system and increase their overall productivity.”

Read a fullhuman resources resumeexample here.

#10. Business Sample Answer

Situation:"Last year, while working as a business analyst for a mid-sized manufacturing company, I noticed some inconsistencies in our supply chain data. The discrepancies seemed minor at first, but I had a hunch there could be a bigger problem."

Task:"I had to investigate the inconsistencies, find any underlying issues, and propose solutions to prevent potential disruptions or financial losses for the company."

Action:"I started by diving deep into the data, comparing our inventory records with supplier invoices and delivery logs. After thorough analysis, I discovered that one of our key suppliers had been consistently overcharging us and delivering late, which was causing production delays and increasing costs. I compiled a detailed report of my findings and presented it to the senior management team. I also suggested switching to a more reliable supplier and implementing a more rigorous tracking system to monitor supplier performance in real-time."

Results:"Management was impressed with the thoroughness of my investigation and decided to act on my recommendations. We switched suppliers, renegotiated contracts, and implemented the new tracking system. As a result, we saw a 15% reduction in supply costs and a 20% improvement in on-time deliveries within the first quarter. This saved the company from significant financial losses and improved our production efficiency. It was really gratifying to see how my analytical skills and proactive approach could make such a substantial impact on the company's operations."

Read a fullbusiness analyst resumeexample here.

#11. Finance Sample Answer

Situation:"A few months into my role as an accountant at XYZ Corporation, I noticed that our team was spending an excessive amount of time on manual data entry and reconciliation tasks every month. The process was obviously time-consuming and came with a lot of human errors."

Task:"I had to find a way to streamline these tasks to save time and reduce those errors, which would ultimately make our month-end closing process more efficient."

Action:"I researched various accounting software solutions and tools that could automate these processes. After evaluating several options, I recommended a cloud-based accounting system that integrated well with our existing software. I then took the lead in setting up the new system, configuring it to match our specific needs, and training the team on how to use it. I also created a set of standardized procedures for data entry and reconciliation to make sure everything was consistent and accurate."

Results:"Once the new system was fully implemented, our month-end closing process became much more efficient. We reduced the time spent on manual data entry by 50% and cut our reconciliation time in half. The automation also minimized errors, which improved the accuracy of our financial reports. The team was thrilled with the amount of time we saved, and we were able to focus more on strategic financial analysis and planning."

Read a fullaccountant resumeexample here.

#12. IT and Software Development Sample Answer

Situation:"A couple of years ago, I was working as an IT specialist at a mid-sized tech company. We were facing increasing costs due to licensing fees for our Windows-based infrastructure, and the performance of our systems wasn't meeting our needs."

Task:"I had to find a cost-effective solution that would also improve the performance and reliability of our systems."

Action:"I did some thorough research and analysis, and I proposed that we switch our operating systems from Windows to Linux. I outlined the potential cost savings, improved security, and enhanced performance that Linux could offer. Then I presented a detailed migration plan to the management team, highlighted the long-term benefits, and addressed their concerns about compatibility and user training. Once I got the green light, I led a pilot project to migrate a few non-critical systems first. I worked closely with the team to make sure the transition was smooth, and we provided training and support to minimize any disruptions."

Results:"The pilot project was a huge success, and we proceeded with a full-scale migration. Within the first year, we saved over $50,000 in licensing fees. The Linux systems also proved to be more stable and secure, and they reduced downtime by 30% and enhanced overall performance. The employees adapted quickly, and the IT team found it easier to manage and troubleshoot the new environment. So, I’m really proud of that whole story and how I managed to get our whole company onboard."

Read a fullIT resumeexample here.

#13. Nursing and Healthcare Sample Answer

Situation:"While working as a nurse in a geriatric care facility, I noticed that many of our elderly patients were experiencing frequent falls, which often led to serious injuries and hospitalizations."

Task:"I needed to reduce those falls and improve the overall safety and well-being of our patients, so I started looking for the cause."

Action:"I did a thorough review of each incident to see if I could identify common factors or patterns. Sure enough, I did. It turned out most of the patients were wearing shoes that had no grip on the facility’s floor. So, I introduced the use of non-slip footwear and improved the lighting in common areas. It was a small fix but it worked like a charm."

Results:"Within six months of those changes, we saw a huge reduction in the number of patients who fell. This significantly improved the health and safety of our residents and improved their quality of life."

Read a fullnurse resumeexample here.

#14. Art and Design Sample Answer

Situation:"At my previous job as a graphic designer for a small marketing agency, we were tasked with rebranding a major client’s outdated image. The client, a regional retail chain, was struggling to connect with younger audiences and boost their sales."

Task:"It was my responsibility to create a fresh, modern brand identity that would resonate with a younger demographic while still maintaining the company’s core values and appeal to their existing customer base."

Action:"I did some market research to understand the preferences and trends among the target audience. Then I developed a new logo, color palette, and typography that reflected a modern look. I created a comprehensive brand style guide that was consistent across all platforms. I also designed new packaging, in-store signage, and a series of digital assets for social media and their website. I worked closely with the client to gather feedback and made improvements to align closer with their vision."

Results:"The rebranding campaign was a huge success. Within four months, the client reported a 25% increase in sales and a significant boost in social media engagement. Their follower count increased by about 40%, which was huge. And the new brand identity was by both the younger demographic and long-time customers, so I’m really happy I got to work on that."

Read a fullgraphic designer resumeexample here.

#15. Writing and Editing Sample Answer

Situation:"A couple of years ago, I was hired by a startup to create content for their new blog. They wanted to establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry but had no existing content or strategy."

Task:"My task was to develop and execute a content strategy that would attract readers, engage them, and establish the company as an authority in their field."

Action:"I started by researching the target audience and identifying key topics that would interest them. I created a content calendar and wrote a series of in-depth, informative articles. To increase visibility, I incorporated SEO best practices and collaborated with the marketing team to promote the content on social media and through email newsletters. I also engaged with readers by responding to comments and incorporating their feedback into future posts."

Results:"Within five months, the blog's traffic increased by 200%, and several articles were shared widely on social media, and they generated significant buzz. The startup gained recognition in the industry, and their client inquiries doubled."

Read a fullwriter resumeexample here.

#16. Law Sample Answer

Situation:"While working as a paralegal at a mid-sized law firm, we were handling a complex corporate case that involved a massive amount of documentation and tight deadlines. The case was critical for one of our major clients and required meticulous organization and attention to detail."

Task:"My job was to manage and organize all the case documents, conduct research, and make sure that our legal team had everything they needed to build a strong case."

Action:"I implemented a new document management system to streamline the organization and retrieval of case files. I created a detailed index and used software to categorize and tag documents for easy access. Then I did thorough research to find precedents and relevant case laws, and I prepared comprehensive summaries for the attorneys. I also coordinated with various departments to gather all necessary information quickly."

Results:"After all that, our legal team was able to efficiently navigate through the documentation, and that played a crucial role in winning the case. The client was satisfied, and my work was praised for improving our workflow and case preparation."

Read a fullparalegal resumeexample here.

#17. Teacher Sample Answer

Situation:"During my third year of teaching fourth grade, I had a student, Sarah, who struggled significantly with reading. She was reading well below grade level, which affected her confidence and participation in class."

Task:"I wanted to help Sarah improve her reading skills and boost her confidence, so she could keep up with her classmates and enjoy learning."

Action:"I created a personalized reading plan for Sarah and incorporated her interests to make the material more engaging. I scheduled regular one-on-one reading sessions with her and used phonics-based activities and interactive reading tools. I also worked closely with her parents to ensure she had support at home and provided them with resources and strategies to help her. I also encouraged her to participate in class reading activities and praised her efforts to build her confidence."

Results:"By the end of the school year, Sarah's reading level had improved by two grade levels. She became more confident in her abilities, actively participated in class, and even volunteered to read aloud. Her progress was recognized during our parent-teacher conferences, and her parents were thrilled with her improvement."

Read a fullteacher resumeexample here.

#18. Science Sample Answer

Situation:"A year ago, I was working as a computer scientist at a tech company, where we were facing major performance issues with our flagship software product. The application was running slowly, which frustrated users and led to a decline in customer satisfaction."

Task:"I was responsible for identifying the root causes of the performance issues and implementing solutions to optimize the software. I had to make sure it ran smoothly and efficiently for our users."

Action:"I did a thorough analysis of the software's codebase and performance metrics. When I pinpointed several bottlenecks, including inefficient algorithms and memory leaks, I got to work. I refactored critical sections of the code, optimized algorithms, and implemented best practices for memory management. Then, I set up continuous performance monitoring tools to track improvements and catch future issues early. I had to collaborate closely with the QA team to test the changes and see if they met our performance goals."

Results:"Within a few months, the software's performance improved dramatically, load times were reduced by 50%, and overall responsiveness increased. The customer feedback became overwhelmingly positive, and we saw a 20% increase in user retention rates."

Read a fullcomputer scientist resumeexample here.

#19. Social Work Sample Answer

Situation:"While working as a social worker at a community center, I encountered a family that was going through a very difficult time. The parents had lost their jobs, and they were at risk of losing their homes. Their children were struggling in school, and the family was under a lot of stress."

Task:"I needed to find a way to provide the family with the support they needed to stabilize their situation and improve their overall well-being."

Action:"I started by connecting the parents with job training programs and local employment resources. I also helped them apply for temporary financial assistance to cover their immediate needs, including housing and food. For the children, I coordinated with their school to arrange tutoring and counseling services. Additionally, I organized weekly meetings with the family to provide emotional support and monitor their progress. I also reached out to local charities and organizations to gather donations of clothes, school supplies, and other essentials."

Results:"Over the course of several months, both parents found new jobs, which alleviated their financial strain and allowed them to keep their home. The children’s academic performance improved significantly, and they became more engaged and confident at school. The family expressed immense gratitude for the support they received, and I felt incredibly rewarded knowing that my efforts had such a profound impact on their lives."

Read a fullsocial worker resumeexample here.

#20. Management Sample Answer

Situation:"Last year, I was leading a critical project at my company to develop and launch a new software product. The project had a tight deadline, and we were facing significant challenges with coordination among different departments and managing our resources."

Task:"I had to ensure that the project stayed on track, met its deadlines, and delivered a high-quality product that satisfied our stakeholders."

Action:"So, I implemented a robust project management framework, using tools like Gantt charts and project management software to track progress and deadlines. I held regular meetings with all department heads to make sure communication was clear and everyone was aligned with our goals. I identified potential bottlenecks early and reallocated resources to address them. Then I established a risk management plan to anticipate and mitigate any issues that could arise. I also introduced weekly progress reviews and celebrated small milestones along the way to keep the team motivated and focused."

Results:"We completed the project on time and within budget. The software product launched successfully and received excellent feedback from our users, which led to a 30% increase in sales within the first quarter."

Read a fullproject manager resumeexample here.

#21. Professor Sample Answer

Situation:"Two years ago, while teaching at ABC University, I noticed that many students in my history courses were struggling to engage with the material. Attendance was dropping, and students seemed disinterested in traditional lectures and textbook readings."

Task:"It was time to make history more engaging and relevant for my students. I wanted to improve their attendance, participation, and overall performance."

Action:"I decided to revamp my teaching approach by incorporating more interactive and multimedia elements into the curriculum. I introduced a series of project-based learning assignments where students could explore historical events through various mediums, such as digital storytelling, role-playing simulations, and interactive timelines. I also arranged virtual guest lectures with historians and other experts, so we used online platforms to facilitate discussions and collaborations. I even created a podcast series where students could listen to and discuss various historical topics outside of class."

Results:"I’d say it was a great success because student engagement increased significantly. Attendance improved by 40%, and students reported feeling more connected to the material. Their grades also improved, with the average class GPA rising by 0.5 points.”

Read a fullacademic CVexample here.

Key Takeaways

And that’s all there is to answer “What is your greatest accomplishment?”

By now, we’re sure you’re familiar with this classic behavioral interview question, and you’re ready to answer it like a pro.

Let’s do a quick recap before we go:

  • When the interviewer asks about your greatest accomplishment, they want to know about you as a professional and as a person, so the perfect answer reflects both.
  • This is an important question, and how you answer it can determine if you’re perfect for the role or just an okay candidate.
  • There’s a difference between taking pride in your work and bragging about your achievements, and the interviewer can tell the difference. So, make sure to use specific examples and describe your thought process behind the accomplishment.
  • Make sure you sound down to earth and think about how your reply reflects your approach to success and working hard.
  • Structure your answer by using the STAR method. Ideally, your answer should include the situation, task, action, and results.