Executive Assistant Cover Letter Example (w/ Templates for 2024)

14 June
7 min read
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Crafting a compelling cover letter is often a daunting task, even for seasoned executive assistants.

While juggling board meetings and managing intricate schedules might be second nature, presenting oneself effectively on paper can be challenging

Worry not!

In this article, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to crafting an executive assistant cover letter, along with a real-life example.

Here’s what we’re going to cover:

  • What a Great Executive Assistant Cover Letter Looks Like
  • 5 Steps to Writing a Perfect Executive Assistant Cover Letter
  • 3 Essential Cover Letter Tips for Executive Assistants

Ready to create your job-winning cover letter? Let's dive in!

Executive Assistant Cover Letter Example

5 Steps for the Perfect Executive Assistant Cover Letter

Alright, you've seen what a top-notch cover letter looks like, and you're geared up tocraft your own masterpiece.

It's simpler than it seems—just follow these steps, and you’ll be good to go!

#1. Put Contact Information in the Header

Kick off your executive assistant cover letter with your personal details, placing them front and center in the header,just like your resume's format.

Here's a rundown of the essentials:

  • First and Last Name.Your full name should proudly sit at the top.
  • Professional Title.After your name, mention your professional title. Make sure it matches the one in the job ad.
  • Email Address.Aim for an email that’s clean and professional, ideally blending your first and last names. (e.g.:johnsmith123@gmail.com)
  • Phone Number.Make sure that your phone number is correct, without any typos. If you’re aiming for a role overseas, don't forget the relevant country dialing code.
  • Location.City and are usually enough; there’s no need to mention your exact address. But if you’re looking to relocate, mention that too.
  • Relevant links (optional).Any link that highlights your skills as a candidate has a place on your cover letter, such as your LinkedIn profile.

With your details in place, it's time to move on to the hiring manager'scontact information.

  • Company Name.Write down the name of the organization.
  • Hiring Manager’s Name.Add the hiring manager’s name. Your best shot at finding this is by looking at the job ad, the company’s LinkedIn profile, or their official website.
  • Hiring Manager’s Title.Once you’ve nailed down who’s going to read your cover letter, use the appropriate title. If they're, say, the Chief Administrative Officer, you should refer to them as such instead of the generic"Hiring Manager."
  • Location.The city and state or country the company is based in are important, especially for global organizations. If you want to narrow it down to a specific office, you can add the street name and number, too.
  • Email address (optional).You can add the hiring manager’s email if you find it.
  • Date of Writing (optional).Top off with the date you wrote your cover letter on for a neat, polished touch.

Still haven’t finished yourexecutive assistant resume? Check out this article for a full guide!

#2. Address the Hiring Manager

After adding all the necessary contact details, it’s time toaddress your cover letterto the person who's actually going to read it.

Avoid that age-old"To Whom It May Concern."It's out of date and, honestly, a little boring.

The greeting you choose for your cover letter can make a real difference. It sets a positive tone right from the start and shows the hiring manager you have an eye for detail.

Your best bet is to do a bit of homework first. Look at the job ad, the company's website, or their LinkedIn profile to find out who the hiring manager for the position is. They’re likely going to be the head of the department or the company’s CEO.

Once you've got their name, you need a formal touch. Using "Ms." or "Mr." followed by their surname is the most solid choice. But if you're in the dark about their gender or marital status, their full name will work just fine. Like so:

Example Addressing Hiring Manager:
  • Dear Mr. Thompson
  • Dear Alex Thompson

Drawing a blank on the hiring manager or head of the company? No worries. You can address your cover letter to the broader team or even the whole company:

Example Addressing Company:
  • Dear Company X
  • Dear Head of Department X
  • Dear Human Resources Team

#3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement

Hiring managers often take just a brief moment—about seven seconds—to glance at a job application before deciding if it’s worth reading more.

That's why grabbing their attention right off the bat is essential for a top-notch executive assistant cover letter.

Start your cover letterby introducing yourself and sharing why the executive assistant role speaks to you. Expressing your genuine interest in business excellence or the specific company can genuinely resonate with managers, making them want to know more about you.

Diving a bit into the company's background can set you apart. When you demonstrate a good understanding of the organization, it shows how well you'd fit in with their culture. This approach gives a clear sign that you’re a focused candidate and not just someone making a shot in the dark.

If you've got a rich career history, consider opening your cover letter with a significantachievementor a quality that makes you an ideal fit for the executive assistant position.

But be brief in this section. After all, this is only the first paragraph of your cover letter. You want to spark the hiring manager’s interest and make them read more, so don’t give everything away.

#4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details

The main body of your executive assistant cover letter is your opportunity to delve into what sets you apart as the perfect candidate for the role.

But don’t just regurgitate your resume. This section is your chance to really highlight your specialized skills and strengths and show the hiring manager why they set you apart. Bring attention to any standout accomplishments in previous roles, and use the job ad as a reference for what their requirements are.

Tailoring your executive assistant cover letter with the keywords from the job ad is a major plus. For example, if the role requires proficiency in certain software or scheduling expertise, those skills and experiences are what you should be focusing on.

The more you know about the company, the better. Anything you mention about their industry or leadership can give you an edge over other candidates. If you’ve read up on the executive’s work or the company's latest initiatives, mention it. It sends a message that you're aligned with their mission and that you’re proactive and prepared to integrate into their operations.

And don’t forget to let your genuine enthusiasm for the role shine through. Emphasize how eager you are to bring your skills to the table and make a real impact on the executive's day-to-day functions.

#5. Wrap It Up and Sign It

Putting the final touches on your cover letter is the cherry on top.

You wantthe end of your cover letterto leave the hiring manager feeling confident about what you can bring to the table and eager to talk to you. This isn't the time to be vague or generic! You want to drive home the point that you’re perfect for the executive assistant role.

Recap the attributes and skills that you believe make you the ideal candidate for the position. Your conclusion can mention anything essential, such as your ability to work under pressure or your knack for maintaining confidentiality.

Then it’s time to invite the hiring manager to the next step. Prompt them to discuss your application further with a call to action. This way, you’re doing more than expressing interest—you’re showing initiative, a vital trait for an executive assistant.

Finally, sign your cover letter. Choose an appropriate closing line and follow it with your full name. Here’s an example for clarity:

End an Executive Assistant Cover Letter:

I'm eager to discuss how my background as an executive assistant can align with your team's needs. Please feel free to reach out to me at the given email or phone number.

Warm regards,

Jane Smith

And if "Warm regards" doesn't resonate with you, here are some alternative closings:

  • Sincerely,
  • With appreciation,
  • Best regards,
  • Thank you for considering my application.

3 Essential Executive Assistant Cover Letter Tips

You've got the cover letter basics in the bag! Now, let's elevate your game with some specializedcover letter tipsfor executive assistants.

#1. Match Your Resume

When you’re after an executive assistant role, presenting yourself right is crucial.

Your best bet is to have aresumeand cover letter that match; otherwise, you can come across as sloppy.

Your information should fit snuggly onto the page, and the font styles and sizes should be consistent from start to finish. Make sure to set your page margins and mind the line spacing so yourcover letter doesn’t spill over to page two.

Or Use A Cover Letter Template Instead

Short on time?

Try ourresume builderand match it with acover letter template.

This way, you can align your application perfectly and save yourself a lot of stress. Each of our templates is crafted in collaboration with global hiring pros, so they’re on point and industry-ready.

#2. Mention Skills and Keywords

Your executive assistant cover letter isn’t the place to be generic.

This is where mentioning relevant skills andkeywordsfrom the job ad comes in.

Hiring managers already know what they’re looking for. They wrote the job description, after all. So when you narrow down your cover letter to reflect the exact skills and experiences they want, you make their job easier.

This also helps you stand out from the candidates who haven’t zeroed in on the job requirements. But remember—you shouldn’t just list your skills. Use your cover letter to really demonstrate you have the expertise the company needs from an executive assistant.

If a skill or experience from the job ad matches you perfectly, use it to craft a narrative. This shows the hiring manager you aren’t just randomly listing words you saw; instead, you mean business.

#3. Be Formal

While being yourself is at the core of a good cover letter, there’s a fine line you have to navigate when you’re applying for an executive assistant role.

Formality is non-negotiable in your cover letter. You need to maintain a level of politeness and professionalism that leaves no room for jargon. If your cover letter’s tone is too casual, you won’t come across as a serious candidate, and your application will be rejected.

That being said, you don’t have to sound robotic. Just show respect toward your potential employer. This way, you can communicate that you understand the importance of the role and that you’re ready to work in a professional environment.

Key Takeaways

That’s all there is to writing an executive assistant cover letter!

After reading our guide, we trust you feel equipped to secure the exact role you’re aiming for.

But before you head off, let’s recap our main points:

  • Start your executive assistant cover letter with a compelling introduction to capture the hiring manager’s attention. Include a brief mention of who you are, the purpose of your letter, and an important accomplishment or experience that shows how suitable you are for the job.
  • In the body of your cover letter, mention skills and other keywords present throughout the job ad. Instead of throwing them in randomly, use these skills and experiences to illustrate how you align with the role and why you're confident you’re a great candidate.
  • Maintaining a polished tone throughout your executive assistant cover letter conveys professionalism. Treating the application with the seriousness it deserves shows you’re truly interested in the role and willing to put in the work to get it.
  • The end of your cover letter is just as important as its beginning. Remember to finish it with a fitting closing line, followed by your full name.