Human Resources Cover Letter Example & Guide for 2024

14 June
7 min read
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Human resources representatives are the unsung heroes of every company, juggling roles, understanding the ins and outs of workplace dynamics, and ensuring everyone else fits in just right.

It's like you have this secret superpower to match the right talent with the right role.

But when it comes to writing a cover letter for yourself, you suddenly get stuck.

We don't blame you. Showcasing your HR prowess in just a few paragraphs isn't a walk in the park.

After all, how do you condense all those years of people management, conflict resolution, and organizational development into one page?

We’re here to give you the answer. Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • A Stellar Human Resources Cover Letter Example
  • 5 Steps for the Perfect Human Resources Cover Letter
  • 3 Essential Human Resources Cover Letter Tips

Let’s dive in!

Human Resources Cover Letter Example

5 Steps for the Perfect Human Resources Cover Letter

You know just what an outstanding human resources cover letter looks like.

Now, just follow these steps towrite your own:

#1. Put Contact Information in the Header

Kick off your human resources cover letter with your contact details. Pop them in the cover letter's header,just like you would on your resume.

Here's the rundown:

  • Full Name.Write down your complete name right at the top left corner of your cover letter.
  • Professional Title.List the exact HR role you're eyeing. Remember, the HR head might be juggling applications for varied roles. Be crystal clear to make their job easier.
  • Email Address.Go for an email that's both easy to read and professional, like a blend of your first and last name. Leave your teenage email out of this. For instance, is a no-go, but is spot on.
  • Phone Number.Make sure the number you add is correct, and if you're reaching out internationally, include the dialing code in there too
  • Location.Just your city and state, or country, will do. If you're eyeing a remote role or planning a move, give them a heads up in both your resume and cover letter.
  • Relevant Links (optional).Feel free to drop links to useful websites or social media, likeyour LinkedIn profile.

Got your details down? Sweet!

Time to add thecontact informationof the hiring manager who’ll be evaluating you.

Here’s the scoop:

  • Company Name.Jot down the name of the company you've got your sights on.
  • HR Head’s Name.If you can, find out who's heading the HR department. Look at the job ad, their website, or their LinkedIn page.
  • Location.Specify the city, state, and country, especially if they’re global giants. If they have more than one office in your city, you can also add their street name and number.
  • Email Address (optional).If you can dig it up, drop it in the HR head's email.
  • Date of Writing (optional).Slide in the date you penned down your cover letter. It's all about the finer details!

#2. Address the Hiring Manager

Once you’ve listed all your contact details, make sure your cover letter speaks directly to its reader.

That means skipping the old-school ‘To whom it may concern.’ It's a bit last century.

The right greeting, on the other hand, can make your letter stand out in the right way.

First up, play detective. Dive into the job posting, company website, or LinkedIn page to see if you can find the HR manager's details.

Once you find what you’re looking for,greet them accordingly. Going with "Ms." or "Mr." followed by their surname is a safe bet. But if you're in the dark about their gender or marital status, simply use their full name. Here’s what that looks like:

Example Addressing HR Manager:
  • Dear Mr. De Vries,
  • Dear Loren De Vries,

Hit a dead end in your detective work? No worries.

You can address your letter to the broader HR team or the company:

Example Addressing Department:
  • Dear Human Resources Team,
  • Dear Recruitment Team,
  • Dear Talent Acquisition Department,
  • Dear Head of Human Resources,

#3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement

Hiring managers often scan a candidate's application swiftly, sometimes only taking about seven seconds to decide whether it’s worth their attention.

So your human resources cover letter needs to make an impact from the start.

Begin by expressing your interest in the position. Demonstrating your genuine enthusiasm for the HR field or a particular role can pique a hiring manager's interest, making them eager to learn more about you.

Taking the time toresearch the companycan make all the difference here. The deeper your understanding of the organization's culture and objectives, the better you can position yourself as an excellent fit.

This shows your genuine interest in the job and that you're not just applying left and right in hopes ofanyjob. If you have any notable accomplishments or specific skills tailored to the HR role, leading with that can give you an advantage.

However, it's essential to keep yourcover letter’s introductionshort. The objective here is to intrigue the hiring manager enough to make them want to read your entire cover letter, so you shouldn’t give them all the details from the start.

#4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details

The body of your cover letter is where you can go into detail about what makes you the perfect fit for the role.

But don’t just repeat the contents of yourhuman resources resume. This segment of your cover letter is the spotlight moment to elaborate on your HR expertise and the unique skills that you bring to the table. Your goal is to persuade the hiring manager that you’re the most fitting candidate out of the entire pool.

Highlighting your relevantachievementsin the world of HR and drawing parallels with the job ad can be a game-changer. For example, if the role requires expertise in talent acquisition, employee engagement, or organizational development, highlight your experiences and skills in these specific areas instead of using a broad-brush approach.

You can also use your human resources cover letter to explain how the company's ethos, organizational structure, and HR challenges align with your professional journey. If you have insights into the company's HR practices, recent initiatives, or the technology stack they use, show them. Your research skills will leave a good impression and do a great job of convincing them you’re right for the job.

#5. Wrap It Up and Sign It

Alwaysend your cover letter with finesse and professionalismto leave on a high note. After all, you want to leave the hiring manager with a lasting impression that’ll make them want to call you for an interview.

In your conclusion, confidently revisit the reasons you're an ideal fit for the human resources position in their company. Reiterate the unique skills or experiences you bring that set you apart from other candidates, and keep a positive attitude throughout.

Then, wrap up with a call to action. By suggesting the hiring manager take the next step, like having a more in-depth conversation about your application, you're increasing your odds of them actually doing it.

Finally, sign off on your human resources cover letter. Pick a respectful closing line and follow it with your full name. Here’s an example:

Signing Your Cover Letter:

I'm eager to further discuss how my expertise in human resources aligns with your organization’s goals. Please feel free to reach out to me via the given contact details so that we have the chance to arrange an interview.


Jane Doe

If "Warmly" feels a tad too common for your liking, you might consider these alternatives:

  • Yours truly,
  • Best regards,
  • With respect,
  • Thank you for your time,

Essential Human Resources Cover Letter Tips

You've mastered the basics of cover letters! Now, let's fine-tune yours with somekey cover letter tipstailored for HR specialists.

#1. Match Your Resume

When applying for a role in human resources, presentation matters!

If you want to showcase your attention to detail andorganizational skills, your cover letter's design and format must align with your resume.

Make sure your text and contact details are neatly arranged, and maintain a consistent font style and size. Also, be mindful of the page margins and line spacing, all while aiming tokeep your cover letter within one page.

Or Use A Cover Letter Template Instead

Matching your application got you stressed?

Try ourresume builderandcover letter templates!

Designed with hiring managers from around the globe, they blend a sleek, professional look with industry requirements. Grab one, match your resume, and boom—you're all set!

#2. Be Enthusiastic

Hiring managers appreciate applicants who display a genuine passion for the HR industry, so an enthusiastic tone can set your cover letter apart

That said, while it's great to show admiration for the company you're applying to, remember to keep it balanced. There’s no need to lay on the compliments too thick. What you should aim for is a reflection of your confidence and genuine excitement about the role.

Just remember to stay grounded and don’t sound too confident, or else you might come off as arrogant. Convey your genuine enthusiasm that you’re the right person for this specific HR job, not that you’re the greatest candidate they’ll ever get.

#3. Be Formal

While it's tempting to give your cover letter a casual flair, keep in mind that professionalism is highly valued by hiring managers. There’s nothing wrong with being friendly, butforegoing formality is a huge mistake.

By adopting a formal tone, you’re showing the employer that you’re a serious candidate and that you’re taking the role seriously, too. Even in companies with a casual work culture, this can convey that you respect their ethos and that you’re ready to fit into their environment.

Just remember, "formal" doesn't mean robotic. Your personality can still shine through, just in a more polished and polite manner.

Key Takeaways

And that’s all there is to human resource cover letters! Hopefully, you’re ready to land that dream HR job in no time.

But before you submit your cover letter, here are some main points from our article:

  • Begin your human resources cover letter by detailing both your contact information and that of the HR manager. Your details must be accurate so the HR manager can contact you for a potential interview.
  • The introductory paragraph of your HR specialist cover letter should grab the attention of the hiring manager and encourage them to read further.
  • In the main section of your cover letter, delve into your most significant achievements and skills that align with the human resources role you're after.
  • It's a good strategy to use a compelling call to action towards the end of your human resources cover letter, nudging the hiring manager to possibly call you or set up an interview.
  • Keep your cover letter’s design consistent with your resume. If you're pressed for time, consider using a set of our resume and cover letter templates for a harmonized look.