79 Best Answers for Why Do You Want to Work Here?

24 May
30 min read
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Your job interview is going great.

You’ve made a good impression, the hiring manager seems to like you, and you’re feeling confident.

But then, you hear the question:Why do you want to work here?

It’s such a direct question, you’re caught off guard. You’re not sure where to start or what angle your answer should take.

Relax - you’re not the only person who finds this interview question challenging. But we’re here to help!

In this article, we’re going to cover:

  • Why Do Interviewers Ask This Interview Question?
  • How to Answer “Why Do You Want to Work Here?” During an Interview
  • 79 Sample Answers for Different Professions and Levels of Experience

…and more!

Let’s begin.

Why Do Interviewers Ask This Interview Question?

Before you can answer, “Why do you want to work here?” you need to understand what the point behind it is.

And while you may be thinking the answer is obvious – you need a job and you like this one – how you answer it tells interviewers a lot more aboutwhether they should hire you.

Some of the things interviewers learn about you depending on your answer include:

  • How much you know about the position, the company, or the industry as a whole
  • Whether you’re interested in this particular job or just looking to get any job
  • If yourcareer goalsare aligned with the position and if you’re likely to stick around

Imagine you’re an interviewer and you have two equally-qualified candidates. When you ask this question, this is what they answer:

Candidate 1:

“I want to work here because I recently relocated to NY with my family and I need a new company to practice my profession and make a living.”

Candidate 2:

“Actually, your ad campaigns are what got me into advertising in the first place! Your creativity and out-of-the-box approach to advertising really inspired me as a professional, which is why I applied for this position as soon as I saw the job opening!”

Chances are, you'll be inclined to hire the second candidate.

Here’s why the second answer is so effective:

  • It shows off extensive knowledge of the company and its values
  • It highlights the candidate’s passion for the field
  • It does a better job convincing the interviewer that the candidate will stick around for the long run

So, as you can see, how you answer “Why do you want to work here?” can actually make or break your interview.

How to Never Answer “Why Do You Want to Work Here?”

Before we continue, let’s take the time to talk about how you shouldneveranswer this question.

Some topics are strictly off-limits during job interviews, so you don’t want to mention them when answering this question either.

So, never tell the interviewer that:

  • You’re in it for the hefty salary that comes with the job
  • You’re in it for the benefits and perks the company offers
  • You couldn’t land a job at another company, so you’re settling for this one
  • You want to work remotely, no matter what the job is
  • You’re desperate to get hired anywhere, and you took a chance

And yes, that includes any jokes about how you’re passionate about not starving. The interviewer won’t find you witty, just unprofessional.

For a more comprehensive list of things not to do during the interview, check out our article aboutmajor interview mistakes!

How to Answer “Why Do You Want to Work Here?” During an Interview

Now that you know what this interview question is all about, what is the best way to answer it?

Let’s break it down into parts. Your answer should be:

  1. Brief.The hiring manager doesn’t need to hear a story about why you chose this job. A few brief sentences about what sparked your interest are more than enough.
  2. Tailored.Make sure your answer is tailored to the job you’re applying for. For example, if you’re applying for a job as aJava developer, you don’t want to talk about how you actually prefer working with Python.
  3. Honest.Your answer should be something that actually applies to you and how you feel about the job, not a feel-good attempt at charming the hiring manager.

Here’s what a great answer looks like for anesthetician:

Esthetician Sample Answer:

“I actually followed your salon’s Instagram account a few months ago because it appeared on my feed. I loved the new skin treatments you were pioneering, so I kept track of your work, and that’s how I found out you were hiring. I like the atmosphere and attention to detail I see in your work, and I’m a bit of a perfectionist, so I want to join a team that delivers high-quality services.”

8 Steps for Answering “Why Do You Want to Work Here?” During an Interview

You know the basics of answering thiscommon interview question, so now we’re going to give a step-by-step guide to help you ace it during your job interview.

For starters:

#1. Research Before the Interview

Preparation is the key to answering this question as best as possible.

If you already know the employer well, you can skip this step. Just take note of everything you know and like about them, and incorporate that into your answer to explain why you want to work there.

If you don't know the employer well, don’t fret. That’s whereresearching the companycomes in. Look into them before the interview to figure out what they do, what their core values are, what the company’s mission is, and any other information you find useful or interesting.

Keep in mind that there’s not always going to be a lot to find out about every employer who interviews you.

For example, smaller companies might not have a lot of information about them online, or they may not have core values and mission statements to guide them like big organizations do.

In cases like this, you can focus on things like the company’s industry or the job description of the role you’re after to explain why you want to work there

#2. Reference the Job Description

Thoroughly read up on the job description and responsibilities for the role you’re applying for.

Look up the expected daily tasks, what qualifications they’re looking for, and the skills you’re going to need. If there’s something unfamiliar the company uses, such as a software program you’ve never heard of, make sure to research it.

Then, during the interview, you can directly reference details from the job description to illustrate why you want the job. For example, if the role includes developing marketing campaigns and analyzing customer data, you can mention how you’re familiar with those responsibilities and think you would thrive in the environment.

Understanding the day-to-day tasks involved in the role shows your enthusiasm and tells the interviewer that you really know what you’re applying for.

Always reference the job description whencreating your resume. Learn how in our detailed guide!

#3. Reflect On Your Values

Before you can give an authentic answer about why you want to work somewhere, you need to do some self-reflection. Understand what's truly important to you and what type of work environment really motivates you.

Ask yourself questions like:

  • What kind of culture, values, and mission do you appreciate in a workplace? Do you prefer a collaborative or more independent work environment?
  • What drives you and gives you a sense of purpose? For example, things like recognition, mentorship opportunities, or awork-life balance.
  • What kind of skills do you want to develop and improve? Does this role relate to them?
  • What are your future goals, and what do you need to achieve them?

When you know what your priorities, needs, andcareer objectivesare, you can easily find out whether a potential employer is someone you genuinely want to work for or not.

Of course, usually, when applying for a job, the employer won’t be perfect or meet all your needs. In that case, you might have to compromise and only focus on the positives and the things you genuinely like about them during your job interview.

#4. Mention Your Skills and Work Experience

If an employer hires you, it’s because they think that you can meet the needs of the role and help the company achieve some of its future goals, one way or another.

So, mentioning how you can see yourself excelling at the job based on yourmost important skillsandwork experienceis a great way to explain why you want to work there.

Career growthis something that both you and your employer are interested in. You want a successful career, and they want a productive employee, so this is a win-win answer for everyone involved.

You can use phrases like:

  • “Thanks to my experience doing X, I can see myself succeeding at...”
  • “I look forward to applying the skills I’ve acquired so far to…,”
  • “I think I will be able to contribute by…”

Let’s look at a practical example:

Communications Assistant Sample Answer:

“The reason why I want to work here is that I can see myself growing professionally in this position. You probably noticed from my resume that every job I’ve had since graduating has been related to writing, be it in journalism, marketing, or advertising. I believe I can apply all the skills I’ve acquired so far to the role of Communications Assistant for an organization of your size.”

#5. Explain Why You Would Enjoy the Job

Mark Twain once said, “Find a job you enjoy doing and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

It’s proven that employees who find enjoyment in their work perform better and stay with the company for longer. Needless to say, employers love candidates who sound like they’ll be productive and long-term employees.

So, your answer should make a clear connection between the job and how much you’d love doing it.

That said, by “clear connection” we don’t mean saying something generic like how you really enjoy what you do or love your job. If you want to strike gold with your answer, focus on explaining exactly why you love the industry or how working in that position will bring you joy.

Here’s an example for anelementary teacher:

Elementary Teacher Sample Answer:

“Helping kids learn new things and expand their knowledge has always been my passion. I was actually a tutor long before I got my Master’s in Education, all the way back in high school, and I’ve been a babysitter on and off since then. Teaching kids is almost second nature to me, and I can’t really think of a better position than this one to practice what I love doing professionally.”

#6. Demonstrate Your Knowledge of the Company

Generally speaking, employers always prefer candidates who are passionate about their work, be it a service, a product, or a mission.

As such, pointing out that you’re not just applying to get hired but because you’re actually knowledgeable and passionate about what the specific company does is a great way to answer this question.

Now, we know that being super passionate about every company you apply to isn’t realistic. Sometimes, you’ll simply apply for jobs that you’re professionally qualified for because, well, you need a job.

But this is where the research you did on the company can come in handy. Talking about the company’s products, services, or mission shows the manager that you prepared for the interview and that you’re not just some random candidate who’ll accept whatever job comes your way.

If you’ve used the app the company developed or bought one of their products, talk about it during your interview. Better yet, if you’re applying for a job at a company or organization that you already know well and whose work you admire, make sure to highlight that in your answer.

Let’s look at a real-life example:

Community Project Manager Sample Answer:

“I’ve always believed that everyone should have equal opportunities, regardless of their social background. This is why I deeply admire your work with vulnerable communities and all the projects you’ve undertaken to provide everyone equal access to education and employment. That’s why I’d be more than honored to apply all my years of experience as a project manager to an organization as impactful as yours!”

#7. Provide Specific Examples

When interviewers ask you “Why do you want to work here?” keep in mind they don’t want to hear a generic answer.

Always be specific and back up everything you say with concrete examples, quantifiable data,impressive achievements, and anything else you think is relevant.

After all, anyone can claim they’re passionate about a line of work or that they’re skilled at what they do. But hiring managers will always be inclined to believe candidates who can actually back up their claims.

And the best way to do that is through cold, hard data.

See for yourself how this plays out in the two answers below.

Incorrect Answer:

“I want to work here because you’re an awesome company and everyone knows it!”

Correct Answer:

“I want to work here because I really love your company and all the products you’ve launched in the last decade! I’ve been using Pineapple since I can remember and I think your tech is the most user-friendly in the market. I’d really love to contribute everything I know about tech to work on such intuitive smartphones!”

The first candidate didn’t really say anything they liked about the company, but the second one confidently backs everything up with facts.

Here’s another pair:

Incorrect Answer:

“I think I’d be a great candidate for this position because I’ve done this type of work before and I’ve been successful.”

Correct Answer:

“I want to work here because I can see myself succeeding in this position and making the most out of pay-per-click advertising. Just to give you an example, at my last job, I managed to improve return on ad spend by 18% within 4 months of taking over the account.”

See what we mean?

When applying for a job, a great way to convince the hiring manager you have what it takes is bywriting an effective cover letter. Learn how in this article!

#8. Be Honest

As with any other question the interviewer may throw at you, from askingwhat your strengths and weaknesses areto asking you totalk about yourself, honesty is always the best policy.

Never,everlie about your qualifications.

If you get hired because of a lie, you’re eventually going to get caught, and your professional reputation and career are going to suffer for it. You’re just going to waste a lot of time and resources for both yourself and the employer, and you’ll end up needing another job anyway.

Beyond that, any insincere or exaggerated reasons for wanting to join the company aren’t going to fly with most interviewers. You might seriously hurt your chances of landing the job if you’re too focused on flattering the interviewer and the company instead of telling the truth.

So, always be honest!

Don’t forget that you should apply for a job you actually like. If you go for a job that's not really what you want and you can’t think of a single thing you like about it or the company, you're probably going to be unhappy down the road and maybe even quit.

But by being honest about why you actually want to work there, you’re increasing your chances of landing a job that genuinely aligns with your goals. That way, both you and the company get an employee who’s excited to be there and contribute.

79+ Convincing Sample Answers For Different Professions and Levels of Experience

Looking for inspiration on how to explain why you want to work there? No worries!

We’ve curated a list of 79 sample answers for different professions and levels of experience to help.

Sales and Customer Service Sample Answers

#1. Sales Associate Sample Answer

“I'm eager to join your team because I admire the customer-first approach your retail brand is known for. Having worked in retail for over three years, I’ve developed a knack for connecting with customers and driving sales through genuine interactions. I see this role as a perfect fit to further hone my sales skills while contributing to a brand I truly believe in.”

Read a fullsales associate resumeexample here.

#2. Account Manager Sample Answer

"In my previous role as a sales coordinator, I managed over 30 client accounts, consistently exceeding our quarterly targets by at least 15%. My ability to build strong relationships and understand client needs makes me confident I can bring the same success as an account manager here."

#3. Software Support Specialist Sample Answer

"I’m excited about this role because it focuses on troubleshooting software issues and helping users maximize their software use, which is something I’ve done extensively in my current job. I find it rewarding to solve problems and ensure customers get the most out of their tech—it’s like solving a puzzle with each customer interaction."

#4. Customer Service Representative Sample Answer

"I’ve been following your company’s growth for the past year and have been especially impressed by your dedication to customer satisfaction and community outreach. These values resonate deeply with me, as I’ve always believed that the heart of good service is not just solving problems but really connecting with people."

Read a fullcustomer service resumeexample here.

#5. Cashier Sample Answer

"I'm interested in the retail industry because it's dynamic and it gives me a chance to work directly with people. As a cashier, I can help ensure customers have a great experience from the moment they check out. I thrive in fast-paced environments, and I'm excited about the opportunity to be a part of your team."

Read a fullcashier resumeexample here.

#6. Retail Manager Sample Answer

"In my last role as an assistant store manager, I led a team of 15 employees and implemented strategies that increased our store's annual sales by 20%. My experience in team leadership and sales management makes me well-suited to oversee your store and drive similar positive outcomes here."

Read a fullretail manager resumeexample here.

#7. Barista Sample Answer

"I've always been passionate about coffee—from brewing to serving—and the cafe culture that brings people together. Working as a barista is exciting because I get to be part of someone’s daily routine and make it better with a perfect cup of coffee."

Read a fullbarista resumeexample here.

#8. Server Sample Answer

"I am excited about the server position because it involves both customer interaction and the fast-paced environment of the dining room, which I thrive in. I've always enjoyed the dynamic nature of restaurant work, from presenting dishes to ensuring guests have a wonderful dining experience.”

Read a fullserver resumeexample here.

#9. Waiter Sample Answer

"I've dined at your restaurant several times and always admired the level of attention and care the staff gives to each guest. Your commitment to quality service and the friendly atmosphere are why I want to work here as a waiter. I’m keen to contribute to and learn from a team that values hospitality so highly."

Read a fullwaiter resumeexample here.

#10. Front Desk Agent Sample Answer

"I am particularly interested in this front desk agent position because it allows me to leverage my strong organizational skills and my ability to handle customer inquiries efficiently. I've successfully managed guest relations in my previous job and am excited to bring that same warm, efficient service to your hotel’s front desk."

#11. Housekeeper Sample Answer

"I appreciate the importance of a well-kept environment in creating a welcoming atmosphere for guests. I’m drawn to the hospitality industry because it plays a crucial role in making people's stays enjoyable, and as a housekeeper, I know I have a direct impact on that positive experience."

#12. Line Cook Sample Answer

"At my last job, I worked as a line cook where I was responsible for the grill station, consistently delivering high-quality dishes under pressure. I streamlined our preparation process, reducing food waste by 15% while maintaining our high standards. I'm eager to bring my culinary skills and efficiency to your kitchen team."

#13. Restaurant Manager Sample Answer

"I’ve been following your restaurant's journey and am really impressed with how you've managed to integrate locally sourced ingredients while providing top-notch dining experiences. Your innovative approach to menu design and sustainability is inspiring, and I would love to contribute my management skills to continue elevating your reputation."

#14. Bar Manager Sample Answer

"I am excited about the bar manager position because it taps directly into my experience crafting cocktail menus and managing beverage inventory efficiently. I thrive in environments where creativity and customer interaction converge, and I'm keen to elevate your bar’s atmosphere and offerings."

Read a fullbar manager resumeexample here.

Administrative and HR Sample Answers

#15. Receptionist Sample Answer

"Having worked as a receptionist for over three years, I’ve honed my ability to manage multiple tasks efficiently—from handling calls to greeting visitors with a smile. I've improved office organization significantly in my previous job, and I'm eager to bring my polished front-desk skills to your team."

Read a fullreceptionist resumeexample here.

#16. Recruiter Sample Answer

"I am drawn to the recruiter position because it involves identifying and engaging top talent, something I've successfully done in my previous HR roles. I enjoy the challenge of matching the right people with the right jobs and creating a dynamic team that drives company growth."

Read a fullrecruiter resumeexample here.

#17. Human Resources Specialist Sample Answer

"In my previous role as an HR coordinator, I implemented a new employee onboarding program that improved employee retention rates by 30% within the first year. My experience in developing HR policies and my passion for employee development make me a great fit for your HR specialist position."

Read a fullhuman resources resumeexample here.

#18. Office Manager Sample Answer

"I'm interested in the role of office manager because I thrive in office environments and am passionate about ensuring everything runs smoothly. This industry allows me to leverage my organizational skills and attention to detail in a way that directly impacts office efficiency and productivity."

Read a fulloffice manager resumeexample here.

#19. Secretary Sample Answer

"I've always admired how your company supports continuous education and professional development. Your commitment to employee growth and your innovative approach to industry challenges are what draw me to this secretary position. I'm excited about the prospect of supporting a team that values progress and education."

#20. Executive Assistant Sample Answer

"Your company’s leadership in the tech industry is truly impressive, especially your recent innovations in AI and machine learning. The culture of pushing boundaries and continuous improvement you've cultivated is exactly where I see myself thriving. I am eager to contribute to such a forward-thinking team as an executive assistant, supporting leaders who aren’t afraid to innovate."

Read a fullexecutive assistant resumeexample here.

#21. Administrative Assistant Sample Answer

"The administrative assistant role is appealing to me because it involves supporting project management and maintaining internal communications, which are areas I've excelled in throughout my career. I’m looking forward to using my organizational skills to keep your office running smoothly and efficiently."

Read a fulladministrative assistant resumeexample here.

#22. Data Entry Clerk Sample Answer

"I am keen on the data entry clerk position because I value the role that accurate and efficient data management plays in a company’s success. My quick typing skills and attention to detail help ensure that all data is processed correctly, supporting the broader team's ability to make informed decisions."

Read a fulldata entry resumeexample here.

Finance Sample Answers

#23. Accountant Sample Answer

"I'm particularly excited about the accountant position because it involves managing financial statements and overseeing budget compliance—areas where I've gained substantial experience. At my previous job, I enjoyed the challenge of finding cost-saving opportunities within budgets, which I managed to reduce spending by 10% annually without compromising on quality."

Read a fullaccountant resumeexample here.

#24. Financial Analyst Sample Answer

"I’m impressed with your firm’s reputation for making strategic investment decisions and your innovative approach to financial analysis. The way your team integrates data analytics and market insights to guide client investments is something I deeply admire and am eager to contribute to."

Read a fullfinancial analyst resumeexample here.

#25. Bank Teller Sample Answer

"I am interested in the banking industry because it plays a crucial role in people's everyday lives by managing their money safely and helping them achieve their financial goals. As a bank teller, I look forward to being part of a team that builds trust and fosters strong customer relationships through excellent service."

Read a fullbank teller resumeexample here.

#26. Banker Sample Answer

"In my previous role as a loan officer, I successfully managed a portfolio of over $5 million, focusing on tailoring financial solutions for diverse client needs. This experience sharpened my financial analysis skills and my ability to provide clients with personalized advice, which I think makes me a strong candidate for a position at your bank."

Read a fullbanker resumeexample here.

Business Sample Answers

#27. Business Analyst Sample Answer

"I absolutely love diving into data and translating it into actionable insights, which is what drew me to the business analyst role. My background in analyzing market trends and optimizing processes has not only been rewarding but has also sparked my creativity in solving complex problems. I'm really excited about the idea of bringing these skills to your team and tackling new challenges together."

Read a fullbusiness analyst resumeexample here.

#28. Business Development Manager Sample Answer

"I’m truly inspired by how your company has expanded into new markets while maintaining a strong, values-driven approach to business. The idea of being part of such a dynamic team, where I can use my background in strategic partnerships to further our market reach, really excites me. I’m eager to contribute to and grow with a company that prioritizes both innovation and ethical business practices."

Read a fullbusiness development manager resumeexample here.

#29. Project Manager Sample Answer

"I thrive in project-driven environments and am particularly drawn to this project manager role because it focuses on overseeing diverse teams and delivering results. The opportunity to lead projects that align with my passion for sustainability and efficiency is something I look forward to every day. I'm excited about the prospect of bringing my energy and project management skills to your team to help drive successful outcomes."

Read a fullproject manager resumeexample here.

Marketing and Advertising Sample Answers

#30. Marketing Executive Sample Answer

"Having worked in marketing for several years, I find it incredibly rewarding to develop campaigns that not only meet but exceed business objectives. I love the challenge of using creative and strategic methods to boost brand awareness and engagement. I'm eager to bring my passion and experience to your team, where I can continue to grow and contribute to your company’s success."

Read a fullmarketing executive resumeexample here.

#31. Marketing Manager Sample Answer

"I'm very impressed by your company's approach to integrated marketing strategies and how you manage to stay ahead of industry trends. It's inspiring to see a team that is so committed to innovation and excellence. I'm excited about the prospect of contributing to a company whose mission aligns so closely with my professional values and aspirations."

Read a fullmarketing manager resumeexample here.

#32. Social Media Marketing Manager Sample Answer

"Social media is a dynamic and ever-evolving field, and nothing excites me more than crafting stories that resonate with different audiences. With my experience growing follower bases and increasing engagement rates, I'm thrilled at the opportunity to bring my creativity and strategic thinking to your social media team and help propel your brand to new heights."

#33. Content Marketer Sample Answer

"I'm drawn to the content marketer role because it allows me to merge my writing skills with my keen interest in consumer psychology. Creating content that not only informs but also engages and converts is something I find truly satisfying. I'm looking forward to producing compelling and impactful content with a team that values high-quality and innovative approaches."

#34. SEO Specialist Sample Answer

"I am passionate about the SEO industry because it combines the technical with the creative in ways that directly impact a business’s online presence. I love the challenge of optimizing webpages and content to rank well on search engines and drive organic traffic. I'm excited to work in an industry that's so pivotal to modern digital marketing strategies."

Read a fulldigital marketing resumehere.

#35. PPC Specialist Sample Answer

"I am enthusiastic about the PPC specialist position because it involves managing and optimizing ad campaigns that can make a real difference in a company's visibility and sales. I enjoy analyzing data to refine ad strategies and achieve better ROI, and I'm looking forward to applying my skills to your innovative campaigns and contributing to your team's success."

IT and Software Development Sample Answers

#36. IT Specialist Sample Answer

"I'm excited about the IT specialist position because it involves troubleshooting and resolving hardware and software issues, which I really enjoy. There's something incredibly rewarding about finding a solution that restores functionality and helps users get back to their work seamlessly. I look forward to bringing my problem-solving skills to your team and ensuring smooth technological operations."

Read a fullIT resumeexample here.

#37. Software Engineer Sample Answer

"I've been following your company's innovative software solutions and the way you use technology to improve user experience. It’s thrilling to see a team that pushes the boundaries of what's possible with software, and I'm eager to contribute to such a cutting-edge environment where I can also grow my skills.”

Read a fullsoftware engineer resumeexample here.

#38. Cyber Security Sample Answer

"I was really drawn to this job because it involves both threat assessment and response—things I'm passionate about. In my last IT job, I loved the challenge of patching vulnerabilities and responding to incidents. It's rewarding to know my work makes a real difference in keeping our systems secure."

#39. Web Developer Sample Answer

"Building responsive and user-friendly websites is something I've been passionate about for years. I love the entire process—from drafting initial designs to coding and finally seeing a live functioning site. I'm excited about the opportunity to bring my front-end and back-end skills to your team and collaborate on exciting new projects."

Read a fullweb developer resumeexample here.

#40. Computer Scientist Sample Answer

"Your company's commitment to pioneering research in computing and its applications to real-world problems deeply resonates with me. The thought of working alongside thought leaders and innovators in the field is incredibly motivating. I’m eager to contribute to groundbreaking projects that are set to redefine technology."

Read a fullcomputer scientist resumeexample here.

#41. Data Scientist Sample Answer

"The role of a data scientist here is particularly appealing because it involves analyzing large datasets to uncover trends that can genuinely transform business strategies. This is precisely the kind of work I thrive in—using data to solve complex problems and make informed decisions. I'm excited about the prospect of joining your team and driving impactful insights."

Read a fulldata scientist resumeexample here.

#42. Data Analyst Sample Answer

"I am drawn to the data analysis field because it's at the heart of informed decision-making in any business. Extracting meaningful insights from raw data is not just a task for me; it's a passion. I am eager to apply this passion in a dynamic environment like yours and help shape business strategies through data-driven insights."

Read a fulldata analyst resumeexample here.

#43. DevOps Engineer Sample Answer

"I thrive in roles where I can bridge the gap between development and operations, and being a DevOps engineer has allowed me to excel in this. I love the challenge of automating and optimizing software processes to make them more efficient. I'm looking forward to bringing my skills in continuous integration and delivery to your tech team and helping accelerate development cycles."

Read a fullDevOps engineer resumeexample here.

#44. AI Engineer Sample Answer

"I'm fascinated by the role of an AI engineer because it merges the challenges of coding with the thrill of creating intelligent systems that can think and learn. Developing algorithms that can change how industries operate is exhilarating. I'm keen to contribute to your projects that are paving the way for future innovations in AI."

Read a fullAI engineer resumeexample here.

#45. Java Developer Sample Answer

"The software development industry is continuously evolving, and Java has been at the core of my development work. I enjoy coding in Java because it allows for building robust, high-performance applications. I'm enthusiastic about the opportunity to develop cutting-edge solutions and further hone my skills with a leader in the industry like your company."

Read a fullJava developer resumeexample here.

Health and Medicine Sample Answers

#46. Nurse Sample Answer

"Ever since I decided to pursue nursing, I've been motivated by the chance to make a real difference in people’s lives. The healthcare industry is where I can apply my skills to help others directly, providing care and support when they need it most. As a recent graduate, I'm eager to start my career and join a team that shares my passion for patient care."

Read a fullnurse resumeexample here.

#47. Medical Assistant Sample Answer

"I'm particularly excited about the medical assistant position because it offers the opportunity to support both patients and healthcare professionals directly. I thrive in environments where I can use my organizational and clinical skills to ensure that the medical office runs smoothly and patients receive the best care possible. I look forward to being a part of your team and making a positive impact in the lives of each patient."

Read a fullmedical assistant resumeexample here.

#48. Dental Assistant Sample Answer

"Graduating from dental school has equipped me with the latest in dental care practices, and I admire how your clinic emphasizes both innovative treatments and patient comfort. Your dedication to providing exceptional care and educating patients about dental health is inspiring, and I am excited to contribute to a team that values high standards and community outreach."

#49. Dentist Sample Answer

"Throughout my career, I've been dedicated to improving oral health by applying a blend of technical dental skills and personalized patient care. I love being able to transform a patient’s health and self-confidence through effective dental treatments. Joining your clinic would allow me to further my skills in a supportive and innovative environment that prioritizes patient care and community health."

Read a fulldentist resumeexample here.

#50. Pharmacist Sample Answer

"I am drawn to the position because it's at the intersection of healthcare and patient education—both things I love. Providing critical information about medications and helping patients manage their health are responsibilities I find deeply rewarding. I'm enthusiastic about the opportunity to make a tangible difference in community health by ensuring safe and effective use of medications at your pharmacy."

Read a fullpharmacist resumeexample here.

Creative Sample Answers

#51. Graphic Designer Sample Answer

"I'm drawn to the graphic designer position here because of your firm's reputation for pushing creative boundaries and producing award-winning campaigns. The opportunity to contribute to such innovative projects and collaborate with some of the best talents in the industry is incredibly exciting for me."

Read a fullgraphic designer resumeexample here.

#52. UI/UX Designer Sample Answer

"I'm passionate about creating interfaces that not only look good but also provide an intuitive user experience, which is why I'm thrilled at the opportunity to work with a leader in digital design like your company. Your cutting-edge approach to UX and commitment to user-centered design principles are exactly what I admire and want to be a part of."

#53. Product Designer Sample Answer

"Your company's innovative products have always set a benchmark in the industry, and as a product designer, I am eager to contribute my expertise in product development and user research to continue this tradition of excellence. I've always been impressed by your dedication to sustainability and user-focused design, which perfectly aligns with my professional values and skills."

#54. Creative Director Sample Answer

"I have long admired your company's bold and visionary approach to branding and product marketing. The work you do is not only visually stunning but also emotionally resonant, and it makes the brands come alive in ways that truly connect with audiences. I am excited about the prospect of leading your creative team and pushing the boundaries of what we can achieve together."

#55. Game Designer Sample Answer

"Being part of a company that is renowned for its innovative and engaging game designs is a dream come true for any game designer. I am particularly excited about this position because it allows me to apply my skills in narrative development and gameplay mechanics to create memorable gaming experiences."

Read a fullgame designer resumeexample here.

#56. Animator Sample Answer

"I'm passionate about animation because it brings stories to life in ways that no other medium can. Your studio’s reputation for pioneering cutting-edge animation techniques and producing critically acclaimed films is incredibly inspiring to me, and I am eager to contribute my animation skills to your team."

Read a fullanimator resumeexample here.

#57. Illustrator Sample Answer

"I've followed your publication's unique aesthetic and innovative layouts for years, and I’m impressed by your commitment to supporting distinctive artistic voices. My background in creating expressive and engaging illustrations aligns perfectly with your visual direction, and I am excited to bring my artistic skills to a company that values originality and creativity."

Read a fullillustrator resumeexample here.

#58. Photographer Sample Answer

"I am enthusiastic about joining your team as a photographer, especially because of your company’s reputation for visually stunning and impactful photojournalism. Capturing moments that tell powerful stories is what I excel at and am passionate about. I'm eager to contribute to your mission of telling stories through photography that engages and informs the public."

Read a fullphotographer resumeexample here.

#59. Actor Sample Answer

"I have always been moved by your theatre’s dedication to innovative and thought-provoking productions. The opportunity to work in a place that challenges the norms of traditional theatre and pushes artistic boundaries is incredibly exciting to me as an actor."

Read a fullactor resumeexample here.

#60. Writer Sample Answer

"Your publishing house's commitment to uncovering new voices and nurturing diverse narratives deeply resonates with me. As a writer, I am impressed by your track record of critically acclaimed works and your dedication to literary excellence. I am eager to contribute my own stories to a house that values depth, diversity, and innovation."

Read a fullwriter resumehere.

#61. Editor Sample Answer

"I admire your magazine’s impact in shaping public opinion and your dedication to journalistic integrity. My experience as an editor, coupled with my commitment to meticulous research and truth-telling, aligns perfectly with your mission. I'm thrilled at the chance to be part of a team that upholds such high standards in journalism."

Read a fulleditor resumeexample here.

Education Sample Answers

#62. Professor Sample Answer

"I have spent years cultivating a deep knowledge base in my field, and I am particularly impressed with how your university encourages interdisciplinary studies and innovative research. The prospect of contributing to such a vibrant academic community, where my research and teaching can intersect with various disciplines, truly excites me."

Read a fullacademic CVexample here.

#63. Teacher Sample Answer

"I have always admired the Montessori method for its focus on independent learning and respect for a child’s natural psychological development. Your school's commitment to these principles and its well-known community of supportive and innovative educators is exactly why I am excited to start my teaching career here. I look forward to contributing to and growing in such an enriching environment."

Read a fullteacher resumeexample here.

#64. Tutor Sample Answer

"I'm excited about the tutor position because it allows me to work one-on-one with students, tailoring the learning experience to fit their unique needs and goals. This role perfectly matches my passion for helping students overcome their challenges and succeed academically. I can't wait to start making a positive impact on their educational journeys."

#65. Recent Graduate Sample Answer

"Despite being new to the teaching profession, I am eager to apply my recent educational achievements and enthusiasm for learning to a teaching role. I believe that starting my career in a nurturing and supportive environment will allow me to develop my teaching skills and positively influence my students from day one."

Read a fullrecent graduate resumeexample here.

#66. College Student Sample Answer

"As a business administration major, I am truly impressed by your company's industry-leading approach to corporate innovation and ethical business practices. Your commitment to sustainability and transparency aligns perfectly with my academic focus and personal values. I am excited about the opportunity to intern with your team and gain firsthand experience in such a dynamic setting."

Read a fullcollege freshman resumeexample here.

#67. High School Student Sample Answer

"I'm really looking forward to the pizza delivery job because it's a great way to earn some money while I'm still in school, and it seems like a fun way to meet new people. I'm good with directions and enjoy driving, so it feels like the perfect fit for my current skills and interests. Plus, who doesn’t love being the person who delivers happiness in the form of pizza?"

Read a fullhigh school resumeexample here.

Other Sample Answers

#68. Architect Sample Answer

"For a long time, I’ve been admiring your architectural firm's innovative approach to sustainable design and your commitment to integrating green spaces into urban environments. Your projects not only showcase aesthetic excellence but also demonstrate a commitment to environmental stewardship. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to a team that leads with innovation and cares deeply about the future of our cities."

Read a fullarchitect resumeexample here.

#69. Electrical Engineer Resume Sample Answer

"I am excited about the electrical engineer position because it focuses on developing cutting-edge electrical systems for smart buildings. I thrive in environments where I can apply my technical skills to solve complex problems and innovate solutions that improve energy efficiency and functionality."

Read a fullelectrical engineer resumeexample here.

#70. Interior Designer Sample Answer

"Having worked in both residential and commercial interior design, I am thrilled at the opportunity to bring my expertise in creating aesthetically pleasing and functional spaces to your renowned design firm. I have always admired your bold approach to design and am eager to contribute to projects that set industry standards."

Read a fullinterior designer resumeexample here.

#71. Construction Project Manager Sample Answer

"I've followed your construction company's growth and am impressed by your portfolio of challenging projects, especially in high-rise development. Your commitment to safety and quality in bringing ambitious projects to completion resonates with my own professional ethos. I'm excited to potentially lead projects where I can apply my robust project management skills and drive successful outcomes."

Read a fullconstruction project manager resumeexample here.

#72. Operations Manager Sample Answer

"I am drawn to the operations management field because it's pivotal in optimizing business processes and ensuring efficiency. I'm particularly excited to join your team because I admire your commitment to innovation and excellence in operations. This role is a perfect match for my skills and ambitions to streamline processes and enhance productivity."

Read a fulloperations manager resumeexample here.

#73. Event Planner Sample Answer

"Organizing large-scale corporate events and weddings has equipped me with a unique blend of creativity and strategic planning skills. I'm excited about the chance to bring my passion for creating memorable and seamless events to your company, known for its exquisite events and impeccable planning services."

Read a fullevent planner resumeexample here.

#74. Warehouse Worker Sample Answer

"I am enthusiastic about the warehouse worker position because it involves managing inventory and fulfilling orders, tasks I am familiar with and enjoy. The fast-paced environment is where I excel, and I look forward to contributing to your team's efficiency and success in meeting demand."

Read a fullwarehouse worker resumeexample here.

#75. Welder Sample Answer

"I've always been fascinated by the craft of welding and its critical role in various industries from construction to automotive. I am eager to work with a company that leads in technological advancements in welding. This role is a perfect fit for me to apply my skills and continue to grow in my craft."

Read a fullwelder resumeexample here.

#76. Real Estate Agent Sample Answer

"I greatly admire your real estate agency's innovative approach to the market, particularly your use of technology to enhance the buying and selling experience. Your commitment to integrity and customer service aligns with my own values, and I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to a team that is redefining the industry."

Read a fullreal estate agent resumeexample here.

#77. Flight Attendant Sample Answer

"My years of experience in customer service and hospitality make me excited to apply for the flight attendant role at your airline, known for its excellent customer care and employee training programs. I am eager to bring my skills to ensure passenger comfort and safety, and enhance their flying experience with your prestigious airline."

Read a fullflight attendant resumeexample here.

#78. Paralegal Sample Answer

"I am drawn to the paralegal position because it combines my strengths in research and legal documentation with my interest in law. Working in your firm, known for its dedication to justice and client success, would allow me to grow my skills in a supportive and challenging environment."

Read a fullparalegal resumeexample here.

#79. Social Worker Sample Answer

"With extensive experience in child welfare and community outreach, I am passionate about supporting vulnerable populations and advocating for their needs. Your organization's focus on community-based solutions and preventative measures is inspiring, and I am excited to contribute my skills to help further your mission of creating positive change in the community."

Read a fullsocial worker resumeexample here.

Key Takeaways

You’ve made it to the end of our article!

Now you know how to answer, “why do you want to work here?” and you’re ready to rock that next job interview.

But before we go, let’s quickly recap the key points we covered in our article:

  • This is an important interview question because it tells hiring managers what motivates you and whether they can rely on you in the long run.
  • You shouldn’t take this question lightly because it can determine your job interview.
  • Make sure your answer is brief, tailored to the job, and actually reflects how you feel.
  • Do research on the company and industry before your interview. Find something you actually like about the company, and mention it when you’re asked, “Why do you want to work here?”
  • Connect your skills and experience to the job and how it would fit you. Make sure the interviewer knows that this job is aligned with your career goals and plans for the future.